GoFurther Fund

In July 2023, to celebrate 50,000 homes being enabled for GoFibre’s ultra-fast broadband, GoFibre set up the £50,000 GoFurther Fund with the goal of supporting charities, community groups and other organisations which have already, or intend to, make an impact locally within GoFibre’s original network-build locations in East Lothian, Fife and the Scottish Borders. In February 2024, GoFibre launched the second round of the GoFurther Fund in Aberdeenshire and Angus. This second round of funding is now closed. Thank you to all applicants, we’ll be in touch soon. Check back here for updates on our plans to launch a third round of funding later in 2024.

Transforming local lives

The GoFurther Fund is committed to transforming local lives alongside GoFibre’s mission of improving rural connectivity and addressing the digital divide head-on. The Fund provides grants to local projects and activities under the following four categories:

1) Creation of new jobs or opportunities

- Supporting individuals in communities to enter or re-enter into employment. - Providing career change opportunities. - Giving local people opportunities to gain work experience.

2) Developing skills and the local economy

- Providing training and upskilling opportunities for local people. - Providing digital upskilling opportunities for all locals from the young to the older generation. - Supporting the growth of local businesses.

3) Promotion of good health and wellbeing

- Supporting individuals to make healthy lifestyle choices. - Supporting individuals of all ages and backgrounds with their physical and mental wellbeing.

4) Contribution to Net Zero targets

- Leading the community to make better choices for the environment. - This may not be the organisation’s primary purpose, but they are making efforts to help tackle climate change through their activities.

Additional criteria:

In addition to addressing at least one of the objectives above, your organisation should comply with the following: - Registered charity or not-for-profit organisation. - Locally managed / local presence within specified locations. - Relevant Disclosure Scotland checks.

How do I apply?

Download our application form
If you're eligible to apply, fill out the simple application form linked at the top of this page.
Application screening
Your application will be screened by the GoFurther team to ensure it matches our funding criteria. If it doesn't, we'll let you know.
Application shortlisting
If your application meets our criteria, you'll be shortlisted and our GoFurther panel have the tricky job of deciding who to award funding to.
The decision
If it's you, we'll give you the great news alongside timescales for fund award and what happens next, including how we share the news!

Frequently asked questions

Why did GoFibre set the fund up?

As a socially-responsible business, it is important for us to give back to the communities within which we are operating. We are currently experiencing a cost of living crisis, on top of funding cuts, so the GoFurther Fund comes at an important time for local causes in need of support.

How often will the funding become available to organisations?

It is our intention to open applications on a quarterly basis. The current round of funding closes on September 22nd and will re-open again mid October.

Will the GoFurther Fund be topped up each year?

Yes, the GoFurther Fund is a long-term commitment which we will contribute to on an annual basis.

Is there a limit to how many times you apply, regardless of whether you’re successful or not?

No, there is no limit so we’d encourage you to apply as and when you have an appropriate concept/project in mind.

Will there be a limit to how many businesses within each area receive support?

No, we will be basing our decisions upon who is worthy of the funding and who will, ultimately, add the most value by delivering their proposed project/activity.

Does the organisation need to have charitable status?

No, you don’t need to have charitable status.

Can projects outside the locations specified (Borders, East Lothian and Fife) be considered?

No, not at the moment but we’d love to expand this activity in the future if the demand is there.

How do you choose who gets grants?

The GoFurther panel comprises of some of our key GoFibre team: Peter Flockhart (Chief Finance Officer) Emily Dixon (Chief People Officer) Laura Weir (Head of Marketing) and Phil Brady (Head of Compliance).

Can I apply for more than one project?

Yes, there is currently no limit to the amount of applications you can submit.

How is the money paid?

Successful applicants will nominate a key bank account for their organisation and we’ll liaise directly with you on the date that funds will be transferred.

How long does the application process take from submission to a successful recipient receiving funds?

Each allocation of funding is awarded on a quarterly basis, therefore generally the funding is awarded within 3 months of application unless otherwise stated by the applicant.

How much will each successful applicant receive from the Fund?

Up to £3,000.

Is there a limit on the size of the local organisation that can apply?

There isn’t! As long as your group is a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation then we’re all ears.