A summary of our terms and conditions

When you buy a product or services from us, we enter a legal contract together. The below is a quick summary of our policies. You’ll find the full and up-to-date terms and conditions of your contract with GoFibre on our website here. It’s important you read and understand them before you take up or start using our services.

Our policies:

Our key terms

Contract documents

The contract between you and us sets out the services we’ll provide and how you’re permitted to use them. It’s legally binding and made up of the following documents:

  • Our terms and conditions;
  • Any additional terms set out in your Order Confirmation form;
  • The service description of what you’ve ordered from us;
  • The charges set out in the standard tariff section of our website;
  • Any end user licence terms (where applicable); and
  • Any other GoFibre policies or documentation.

For more information, see sections 2 and 3.1 to 3.4 of our General Conditions.

Some bundles, plans, upgrades or offers may have additional terms and conditions, but we'll make sure you see these before you agree to any of them. These extra terms will also form part of your contract with us.

How long we’ll provide the service to you

We’ll start providing our services to you on the Service Start Date shown on your Order Confirmation. We’ll provide the services for the minimum period we agreed with you in your Order Confirmation (see section 4 of our General Conditions). Unless we agree something different with you, the minimum period is usually 12 months from when we activate our services at your premises. If you don't tell us you want our services to end at least 30 days before this minimum period ends, your contract will automatically renew on a rolling month-by-month basis until either:
(a) you tell us you want to stop receiving our services, or
(b) you or we have the right to end the contract early (see section 16 of our General Conditions). If you want to end the contract early during the minimum period, you may have to pay us compensation charges. See Your rights to end the contract below for further details.

Installation and set-up activities

Before we can provide our services to you, we may need to instal and set-up equipment we agree we’ll supply to connect your premises to our network. If this is required, we’ll tell you when we’ll start and anything you need to do. For example, granting us access to your premises, following our reasonable instructions and paying any agreed installation costs. Details of what to expect from us, the timescales and what you need to do are set out in section 5 of our General Conditions. Once these activities are complete, we’ll activate our services at your premises. Please note, we may recover our full installation costs from you if you ask us to start installing and setting-up but then change your mind or cancel the contract. We might not always be able to instal and set-up for technical or operational reasons. But we’ll tell you about this and any refund you may be entitled to. 

Voucher scheme customers

If you’re an eligible customer with a voucher under a Scottish or UK Government voucher scheme, see details about how the voucher works in section 6 of our General Conditions. Specifically, how we’ll reduce any charges for installing and setting-up your service by the amount of the voucher claimed. You must tell us in writing that you’re eligible under the voucher scheme at the time of submitting an order to us. If for whatever reason we’re unable to claim the voucher, we have the right to charge you for the cost of performing these installation and set-up activities. Where charges for installation and set-up are higher than the value of the voucher, you’ll be required to pay any additional charges not covered by the voucher.

Services and equipment

Your Order Confirmation explains our service and any support we’ll provide you. That includes charges, when we’ll start providing our services, details of the equipment we’ll provide you – and if you need to provide any of your own equipment. Details of how we provide our services are outlined in section 7 and 8 of our General Conditions.

Broadband speeds

The minimum broadband speeds we can offer you are set out in your Order Confirmation. If there’s a continuous or regularly recurring discrepancy between the actual performance of broadband speed and the minimum broadband speed specified in your Order Confirmation – and we’re unable to resolve it with reasonable efforts – you may end your contract with us.

Cooling off rights

New customers can change their mind about our services and/or our fibre installation during the cooling off period. Where installation or set-up activities are required, this is 14 days from the date you receive your Order Confirmation or any equipment is delivered, whichever is later. If no fibre installation is required, this is 14 days from the date you receive your Order Confirmation or 14 days from the Service Start Date, whichever is later. See sections 3.5 to 3.6 of our General Conditions for more information. If you want to cancel your contract, please contact us as soon as you can.

You can cancel at any time during your cooling off period, without charge, unless you asked us to start carrying out any installation and set-up activities and/or start providing our services before the end of the cooling off period. In those circumstances, you’ll have to pay us for:

  • The relevant installation and set-up work undertaken; and
  • The services you’ve received during that period, up to their disconnection;
  • Any other charges, such as a connection or activation fee, and/or
  • The full cost of installing our services at your premises.

If we loan any equipment to you, the contract will not end until you send back the equipment to us.

Your rights to end the contract

You can end your contract with us any time after the Service Start Date by giving us at least 30 days' notice, provided you pay any outstanding charges you owe us for services received. Examples of why you may wish to terminate include switching providers, if we’re unable to provide the minimum broadband speeds we told you about (even after reasonable attempts to fix it), or we seriously breach our obligations and can’t remedy the situation. (See sections 16.1.1 to 16.1.9 and 16.2 of our General Conditions. In certain circumstances, you may need to pay us an Order Cancellation Fee or an early Termination Fee (calculated in accordance with our price guide on our website). For example, if you end the contract before the minimum period ends. We explain what happens when your contract with us ends in section 16.6 – 16.9 of our General Conditions.

Monthly rental charges

Your monthly rental charge during any promotional period, and the minimum period we provide the service to you, is set out in the Order Confirmation. When the minimum period ends, if you haven't told us to stop providing the service or request to change the services, you’ll be responsible for paying us the monthly rental charges you agreed to, as detailed in our price guide section of our website. All charges are payable by direct debit or BACS transfer, paid monthly and in advance. If you don’t pay our invoice in full and/or on time, you may need to pay interest or other charges such as late payment charges, bank charges or re-activation charges. See sections 12 and 13 of our General Conditions.

Other charges

All charges for our service are set out in the price guide section of our website. They include when we may have the right to charge you miscellaneous charges such as order cancellation fees, installation costs, late payment charges, re-activation charges, early termination charges or when you move home and want us to continue providing our service to you. These charges may be added to your monthly bill in addition to the monthly rental charges. For example, if you choose to add another service and we need to reactivate the services, if you fail to comply with our terms and conditions, or if you end the contract with us early. Please see our price guide for more information.

Our rights to make changes to the charges

We may change the charges at any time. If we do, we’ll publish these changes on our website or notify you directly. We also have the right to increase the charges in December each year, by an amount equal to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of inflation plus 3.5%. If CPI is zero or less, we'll only increase the charges by 3.5% in that year. We’ll round this up to the nearest whole pence. For example, if you pay £25 per month and the CPI value is 1.6%, your monthly payment would increase by 5.1% (CPI value of 1.62% plus 3.5%) or £1.28. So you’d pay £26.28 per month from 1 December.

If we make any other changes that put you in a significantly worse position, we'll let you end a service without having to pay the higher amount or a charge for leaving early.

Our rights to make other changes

We may also change a service (including the loaned equipment and service features) and the underlying terms and conditions of the contract between you and us at any time – even during the minimum period. We’ll tell you if this is a significant change. Otherwise, you’re responsible for checking our website for the most up-to-date version of the terms and conditions. See section 21 of our General Conditions.

Acceptable use

Our previous Network Management and Fair Use Policy is now referred to as our Acceptable Use Policy. It sets out our guidelines on how you may use our service and what happens if you make unauthorised, improper or illegal use of our service and network. If you don't adhere to this policy, we may suspend or terminate our contract with you. See sections 12 and 16.4.1 of our General Conditions.

Our rights to suspend or cancel the service

If you break the terms of our contract in a serious way, we may suspend all or part of the service we provide to you, or end the contract with you. For example, if you fail to pay the charges due to us or don’t comply with our Acceptable Use Policy. We explain this in more detail in sections 12, 16.2, 16.3 and 16.4 of our General Conditions.

Our liability to you

We detail what we’re not responsible for in the event you suffer losses or damages as a result of using our service in section 17 of our General Conditions.

Compensation and complaints

We’re committed to resolving issues with you fairly and fully, within a reasonable time. But if we cannot agree, the options available to you are set out in our policies (see section 24 of our General Conditions). Details of our compensation policy and customer complaints policy are available on our website.


Our privacy policy explains how we process your personal data. You can see it in section 19 of our General Conditions.


Details of the policies in your contract can be found on our website and include (i) our Acceptable Use Policy, (ii) our privacy policy, (iii) our compensation policy (which sets out when you may be entitled to compensation because of something we have done or failed to do), and (iv) our complaints policy (if you’re unhappy with our broadband service, it explains the process for submitting a complaint.)

How to contact us

If you have any queries in relation to these terms and conditions, or any other aspect of the service we provide you, please contact us on: customer.service@gofibre.co.uk or call us on 08000 590 980.

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